Imouto Super Fan/Enjoyers Downloads


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0.42 Changelog

  • New Minigame: Permits, Please!. Salaryman Oniichan can play a 1-minute minigame by “working hard” at work. Permits, Please! is a “Papers, Please!”-like game where the player has to crossreference data on permit applications with documentation provided by applicants and ensure the permit data is correct. The more correct decisions (approving or rejecting), the higher the bonus payout. The player can also work up to a promotion this way, causing a +25% salary increase for just doing the regular work (“take it easy”).
    • Currently, the player only has to cross-reference the formalities of a permit, such as name, serial number, type, and jurisdiction. Future updates will include more elaborate data types, like requiring the correct inspection stamps from other authorities.
    • The minigame is optional except for Career Tiger Oniichan.
  • New Night Time Lewd Activity: Handjob from Imouto: Oniichan can now receive a handjob from Imouto if she’s awake at night. This requires the Karaoke date and for her to be horny enough.
  • New Weekend Activity: NutFlex & Chill: unlocked after the Karaoke AND when Imouto is comfortable being naked around Oniichan (bathing together). Doing this acitivity unlocks Partner Masturbation (You on Her), e.g., fingering. Subsequent NutFlex & Chill activities will not lead to higher trust or attraction but goes into having sex on the bed with a raised horniness level. 
  • New Night Time Lewd Activity: Fingering Imouto: Oniichan can now finger Imouto to orgasm if she’s awake at night. This requires the NutFlex & Chill “date” and for her to be horny enough. Fingering Imouto is animated and interactive, requiring the player to match a certain cadence with mouse clicks/taps. The better you match the rhythm, the quicker she will reach climax. You get some closeup eye-candy while she’s cumming.
    • Getting rejected (angering your Imouto), during the night will no longer lead to an automatic Main Menu, but result in a bad mood along with severe penalties to Trust and Attraction. Getting rejected can still lead to a game over should it cause Trust to drop below 1.
  • Sensitivity and Arousal overhaul: Imouto’s now has two parameters determining her horniness: Sensitivity and Arousal.
    • Sensitivity dictates how easy she can get aroused (Arousal). Sensitivity goes up and down day by day and some activities have a mild effect on this. Menstruation has a big negative impact, making her very insensitive. Ovulation has the opposite effect, making her much more sensitive.
    • Arousal is how close she is to orgasm and in turn determines things like vaginal lubrication.
  • Night Time lewd activity as well as some day time and evening activities can increase her arousal up to a point where she is wet and physically receptive. Only masturbation can make her orgasm (and other direct, physical sexual contact in the future).
  • Big Brother Bank App: Redone Investment Portolio viewer for better clarity.
    • Now needs 50k Yen minimum for dividends
      • You can now pick 1 of 3 strategies as well as finetuning your portfolio.
    • You can now also choose between Accumulating Dividends (reinvest into the portfolio) or Distributing Dividends (pay out to Checking Account). Distributing allows for extracting interest from the savings account without paying a transfer fee.
    • Liquid cash is now shown. Keeping a portion of your account liquid will dampen the impact of the market (both positive and negative).
    • You can now transfer money instantly between saving and checking (no more wait). You can also tranfer money from checking to saving instantly with no fee.
  • Pregnancy: first under the hood framework setup for Imouto getting pregnant from unprotected sex with internal ejaculation. This is unimportant right now, but will be a MAJOR game mechanic later. Pregnancy chance is determined by (in order of influence): her current menstrual phase, her age, the number of live inseminations.
  • Removed time out during evening interaction until something more robust can be made.
  • Fixed Peeking on her masturbating in the shower more than once
  • Potential fix for having a second Imouto in the interaction position when bathing together
  • Karaoke now needs the Restaurant visit and the Restaurant can no longer be visited with just the Karaoke, meaning that from 0.42 old 0.40 saves will no longer work unless you’ve updated that save in 0.41 and have both the Karaoke and Restaurant visits done.
  • Added new music to Night Time Lewd Interaction
  • New NutFlex Subscription: You now need a subscription to watch NutFlex. You get a free trial first if you’re not subscribed during the NutFlex & Chill date.
  • Continuity Fix: when you are too tired to go to the grocery store in de weekend, you no longer skip instantly to the evening.
  • Continuity Fix: when you are too tired to go to the gym in de weekend, you no longer skip instantly to the evening.
  • Fixed bathroom handjob tutorial showing more than once.
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