Official Living Together Walkthrough Guide


Learn to play with the official Living Together Walkthrough guide. Living Together is a time and energy management RPG at its core, with the primary goals being to increase the Love Interest’s (Imouto) Trust and Attraction scores while not succumbing to fatigue or economic hardship. In a nutshell, the game mimics a real life situation where you need to manage the household while also bonding with Imouto. These two goals (life and love) are often in opposition. The time (and money) spent managing the household cannot be spent bonding with Imouto.

This life management is in essence the game’s “obstacle” to the “goal” of bonding with Imouto at your pleasure. The better you are at managing your time and energy, the more time (and money) is leftover to bond with Imouto.

About The Living Together Walkthrough Guide

Not every little mechanic or activity is mentioned in this walkthrough guide. The way Living Together is set up means there is no precise step-by-step guide to get to a predetermined outcome. The path from A to B is (slightly) different with every playthrough and depends on Imouto’s interests, your career type and what you choose to do with your days and evenings. Instead, the Living Together walkthrough will give you…guidelines…, the best practices to increase your success.

Living Together Walkthrough: Basic Mechanics

Time and Day-Phase

  • Time: each action takes time and whenever you do an action, time advances. Once the current time hits a set time, the game progresses a day-phase.
  • Day-phase: each day is typically divided into 4 phases: breakfast, day, evening and night.
    • Breakfast happens when the new day starts. This process is mostly automatic, however many important things do happen during this time.
    • The day phase follows breakfast and lasts until 16:00~18:00.
    • The evening phase follows the day phase and starts with the homecoming and dinner.
    • The night phase starts when the MC decides to go to bed.
  • Weekends: weekends have the same 4 phases, however the day will have different activities to do than on a weekday.

Refer to your smartwatch about the current day and time. Most actions will note the time consumption they take. Some actions are automatic, like cooking and having dinner but they still take time.

Different career types will have different weekday activities and at what time the evening starts. NEETs and Daytraders are home all day. Students and Salarymen are away from home all day (skipping the weekday). Part Time workers are home half of the day and skip the latter half of the day. Salarymen come home the latest and thus have the shortest evenings.

Energy Management

  • Energy: everything you do either takes energy or gives you energy. The number of things you can do that gives you energy are limited, meaning that at some point in the day, the only thing you can do is go to sleep. 
  • Maximum Energy: this represents your maximum energy in “pasento”. You can increase your maximum energy by exercising at the gym or by jogging on the weekends.
  • Current Energy: this represents your current energy in “pasento”. Your current energy can (almost) never go above your maximum energy.

Refer to your smartwatch battery indicator to get a quick look at how much energy you have left. You can also refer to the smartphone’s Health App for more detailed information.

Different career types will start with different Maximum Energy levels. Students will have the highest energy, followed by Daytraders and Part Timers, followed by Salarymen, followed by NEETS.

Trust and Attraction

Trust and Attraction are the two primary parameters that indicate Imouto’s relationship to you. You can always find these parameters back in the S.I.S.T.E.R. app on your Smartphone and the S.I.S. smartwatch display.

Trust Levels

  • Level 0 ─ <1
  • Level 1 ─ 1
  • Level 2 ─ 80
  • Level 3 ─ 200
  • Level 4 ─ 400

Attraction Levels

  • Level 0 ─ <1
  • Level 1 ─ 1
  • Level 2 ─ 80
  • Level 3 ─ 200
  • Level 4 ─ 400

Hint: A Trust Level or Attraction Level can never increase the same day. Imouto will sleep on it, and her level increases the next day in the morning. If you went beyond the threshold for a level, that level will take effect only the next morning.

Hint: if her Trust Level goes below 1, it is an instant game over when you go to bed.

Hint: Early game Weekend Activities need a specific amount of Trust and/or Attraction. Later Weekend Activities tend to rely on Trust and Attraction levels. 

Hint: Longing and Wild character types (chosen at New Game) cannot go below 0 Attraction. The other character types have a minimum of -20 Attraction.

Evening Imouto Interactions

You can interact with Imouto during the evenings. She will be somewhere in the living room. By clicking on her, you bring up the interaction menu. These are the interactions, along with some hints:

  • Casual Conversation: talk about casual interest topics. This interaction will be important to gaining her initial trust, mainly by finding her highest interest topics.
  • Lewd Conversation: talk about lewd interest topics. This interaction will be more important later in the game, when she feels ready to talk about them with you.
  • Cheer Up: attempt to improve her mood. A better mood helps prevent trust loss.
  • Intimacy: being physically intimate with Imouto can help build up her attraction to you. At first this will be rather wholesome, like cuddling and headpatting. More sensual and sexual intimacy options can be unlocked through the Weekend Activities and by increasing her Trust and Attraction.
  • Have a Drink: take a break and have a drink to restore some energy. There is a chance Imouto has to go to the bathroom after having a drink. Some drinks have special attributes as well. Refer to the chart below.
  • Gift: gives Imouto a Pokestick, increases her current mood by 1 level to a maximum of Superb.
  • Play A Game: play a video game with Imouto. This requires you to get a Dampf subscription (smartphone) and buy a game. If she has a particular interest in a game, it has extra benefits.
  • Watch Something: you can watch TV, NutFlex+ or browse for Porn. Watching TV is an easy way to spend a lot of time with little energy. It has a 50/50 chance of either being boring or interesting with little consequence. NutFlex+ has a small chance to increase her sensitivity (horniness) and a small chance of being embarrassing. Watching porn has a high chance of making her hornier but is also embarrassing. 
  • Take a Bath: take a bath to restore energy.
  • Go To Bed: end the evening.

Drink Chart

DrinkEnergyPee ChanceSpecial Attribute
Dr. Poppers+2530%
Green Lobster+4030%+Caffeinated
Earl Black Tea+1050%
Picnic Green Tea+1530%
Coffee+300%+Caffeinated Energy +10*
Valerian Tea-500%+Sleepy
Beer+5%0%+Intoxicated +Alcoholism +25
Sake+5%0%+Intoxicated+Alcoholism +45
  • Caffeinated: if drunk after 20:00, this state will result in worse sleep (-20 energy restoration).
  • Sleepy: will result in the MC sleeping through the night. Deepens Imouto sleep state roughly by 2. Resets Imouto’s Restfulness to 100 (full). Resets the MC’s energy to Maximum Energy.
  • Intoxicated: lowers Imouto inhibition to night time lewd activity on average by 1 trust and attraction level. Sometimes abolishes the need for a hard unlock of lewd activities. Increases Imouto’s Alcoholism

Hint*: if you have Coffee in your Inventory, you will consume 1 every morning. This will give you +10 energy to start the day. This extra energy can go above your Max Energy, making it a great start of the day.

Hint: if you have Picnic Green Tea in your inventory, you can pretend to also have Valerian Tea while serving yourself Green Tea and Valerian Tea only to Imouto.

Hint: Alcoholism decays by -15 every day she hasn’t drunk any alcoholic beverages. If Alcoholism is above 95, her school performance will suffer. If it goes above 200, she becomes an Alcoholic.

Day Activities and Chores

Imouto will be at school during the day and come home around 15:00~16:00 in the afternoon. The evening starts at the earliest when she is home and you are home. Depending on your career path, your day activities will differ:

  • NEET’s and Daytraders are home all day and have various activities to spend their time. You can get the benefits from your day activities, while being home when Imouto comes home.
  • Students go to school all day. You do not get to benefit from any day activities, but you will leave home and return home together with Imouto.
  • Part Timers spend their mornings at home and can do day activities. After 12:00 they will go to work and come home 1~2 hours after Imouto comes home.
  • Salarymen go to work all day and come home 2~3 hours after Imouto comes home.

The household chores are divided as such:

  • Salarymen: Imouto does all the chores (laundry and dishes). 
  • Part Timers: You do the laundry and Imouto does the dishes.
  • Students: You do the dishes together every day. She does the laundry every Wednesday meaning you have to do the laundry on the Weekend (“Do Household Chores”).
  • NEET: You do all the chores (laundry and dishes).
  • Daytraders: You do all the chores (laundry and dishes).

In all cases, you buy the groceries.

Hint: doing the “household chores” on the Weekend will take care of all laundry and dishes build-up at once.

Hint: if you are home during the day, try and get your chore(s) done, while also going into the evening as rested as you can. The number of activities you can still do will diminish as they take too long nearing the end of the day (after ~15:00). Consider taking a nap just before Imouto comes home. 

Hint: if you are away from home all day, be sure to buy enough groceries during the weekend to last the next week. If you earn enough, you can offset this time expenditure with money by ordering groceries online.

Weekend Imouto Interactions

Weekend interactions are similar to Day Activities and Chores, except you do them with Imouto. Notable additions are Playing Board Games and Have Fun With Imouto (1.7 Weekend Imouto Activities). 

Imouto always has a (too) passionate interest in Board Games. This sword cuts both ways and it is a high risk, high reward leisure time:

She lost and got angry -6 Trust

She lost and got bored -3 Trust

The game went well Trust Gain: 1 + (2 * every Trust Level)

The game went very well Trust Gain: 2 + (3 * every Trust Level)

The game went excellently Trust Gain: 2 + (4 * every Trust Level)

This means playing board games can result in anything between -6 and +18 Trust depending on the outcome of the game and your Trust Level. You can only play a Board Game once every weekend.

Weekend Imouto Activities

The weekend interactions range from doing things at home, or taking Imouto out on dates (Have Fun with Imouto). These dates play out as Visual Novel stories and play a significant role in advancing your relationship. Without going on these dates, many more intimate activities remain locked. Early dates also give you a boost in trust, attraction and you get to learn a hidden high interest topic to discuss during the evenings.

Currently [0.43], the activities are in the following order (minus Shopping):

Swimming > Picnic > Fair > Restaurant > Karaoke > NutFlex & Chill >

Hanami [0.44]

You need a certain amount of Trust, Attraction, Money and Time for each activity:

ActivityCostTrustAttractionTimeOther / Requirements
Shopping1500< 15:00
Swimming2000250< 14:00
Picnic2500450< 14:00
City Fair50008035> 14:00
Restaurant75008050> 14:00
Karaoke100008080> 14:00
NutFlex1750120120> 14:00Shared Bathing Unlocked
Hanami1200200160< 15:00Finger Imouto 5x to unlock

Each activity requires the previous activity to be a) unlocked and b) conducted at least once before. Once you’ve gone on an activity, the replay of that activity is unlocked in the Camera App (smartphone). After doing the activity for the first time, the next time you will go through a quickened narration showing two or three stills.You can always rewatch the activity’s replay.

The activities unlock the following:

  • Shopping: Mood +1
  • Swimming: +25 Trust / +5 Attraction Uncaps Trust and Attraction
  • Picnic: +30 Trust Discovers 1 hidden Interest
  • Fair: +10 Trust / +20 Attraction Intimacy: Kiss
  • Restaurant: +15 Trust / +15 Attraction Intimacy: French Kiss
  • Karaoke: +5 Trust / +25 Attraction Intimacy: Handjob
  • NutFlex & Chill: +15 Attraction Intimacy: Fingering

All activities raise Imouto’s mood by 1 level. Any repeat of the same activity will give you less trust and/or attraction but in a similar ratio. For instance, a subsequent Restaurant date will give +10 Trust and +10 Attraction.

Hint: NutFlex & Chill does not raise Attraction after the first time. Instead, it now raises sensitivity and arousal and goes straight to Night Time Lewd interaction. Use this to start off a steamy night. You do need a NutFlex+ subscription for this after the first time.

How Consent to Sex Works

Consent is Living Together! is based on two factors: Imouto’s receptiveness and Imouto’s readiness. You unlock her receptiveness to sexual activities by doing new Weekend Activities and building the Trust and Attraction for them before that. This makes Imouto in principle receptive to doing that sexual activity, but she might not always be in for it.

Readiness: Imouto Saying Yes or No

Her readiness determines whether Imouto wants to oblige sexual requests (or even initiate them) for which she is receptive in principle at that moment. Readiness is determined by a number of factors, such as:

  • Menstrual cycle phase
  • Trust and Attraction
  • Mood
  • Alcohol
  • Arousal (wetness)

Typically, when you first unlock a new sexual activity you will also have the Trust and Attraction for her to oblige your request as long as her Mood is Good or Superb. 

Rejection Reasons

If she rejects your request for an activity you have unlocked and she previously said yes to, there is likely something going on. She could be on her period, she could be in a bad mood or you could have lost the Trust and Attraction needed.

In most cases, if the sexual activity is new to her, she needs to be in a Good or Superb Mood to do it. If you increase her Trust Level, she will typically say yes with a Neutral Mood as well.

Future updates: in future updates, arousal (wetness) will become a factor as well for some sexual activity like penetrative sex.

Living Together Walkthrough: Gaining Trust

Here are ways to gain her Trust:

  • Best Friends start with the highest initial Trust, can talk their way out of getting caught more often than not and the Cheer Up action is more often successful. Cheer Up increases her mood, which is important to prevent trust loss from interactions gone sour.
  • Best Friends also start knowing 1 of her High Interest Topics.

Beginning basics

  • Respect her privacy, especially in the beginning. Her Trust Level inversely dictates how likely it is that she’ll catch you spying on her. The higher her Trust Level, the lower her guard. If she already has low Trust in you, she’ll judge you harsher for getting caught spying or perving on her.
  • If you start with low Trust, use your Shared Interest Topic first to gain some initial Trust, enough to take her on the first Weekend Activities. This is much safer than trying to talk your way into it with casual conversations.
  • Do NOT have her wake up on you in an undressed state (or even partially). Below Level 2 Trust, this could mean Game Over instantly.

Find Her Casual High Interest Topics

The early game benefits from finding 2 or 3 of her High Interest Topics. Together with your Shared Interest Topic, this gives you plenty of options to increase your Trust by discussing them every evening.

  • Find out her casual high interest topics by systematically going through the lists. This can take multiple evenings. Whenever a conversation went well or very well (“We had a great conversation!” or “We had a fantastic conversation!”) AND that topic is one of her hidden interests, the game will notify you. It will then show in the S.I.S.T.E.R. app.
  • There is a ~30% chance that if she likes 1 topic in a category, she will also like another topic in that same category. It is worth spending a couple of evenings discussing the whole category if you already found an interesting topic.
  • If she likes Cats, there is a good chance she likes Cats a whole lot. This interest is then on par or better than your Shared Interest, but since there is only 1 topic in this category she will be more one-dimensional as a personality. If Cats appears at the top of her High Interest List, chances are she only has a weak interest in anything else but Cats.
  • Taking her on the Picnic date has a very high chance to discover a hidden High Interest Topic that you didn’t know about yet.

Maintain a Good Mood

Although it is a simple mechanic, maintaining her Mood is very important to ensure early game success. Keep her happy and cheerful. A Mood that is Good or Superb protects you against Trust loss from interactions gone sour. Instead, that bad interaction lowers her Mood instead of her Trust. 

  • Good Mood: protects against bad interactions, lowers Mood to Normal
  • Superb Mood: protects against awful interactions (the worst), lowers mood to Good or Normal.

You can increase her Mood by good outcomes from gaming and interacting with her in general. A more reliable method is by giving her a Pokestick, or using the Cheer Up interaction.

Her period affects her Mood. If she’s on her period, she may start the day in a bad mood more frequently. Having a stock of Pokesticks is essential during these trying times!

Keep Her Healthy and Happy

You cannot lose Trust by not talking to her, but you can lose Trust by neglecting her environment and circumstances. Keep a household with enough food, clean clothes, personal hygiene products and a clean kitchen. Go to bed on time (before 23:00) and prevent drinking either Caffeine after 20:00 or Alcohol more than once or twice a week.


Having a home cooked meal every day will keep an Imouto fed and happy. Cupnoodles do the job every now and then, but her nutrition will suffer if it’s the staple meal. If her nutrition is too low, her School Performance will suffer.

Being Bullied

If Imouto only has dirty clothes to wear or can’t properly wash herself, she will get bullied at school. If this gets too bad, her School Performance will suffer.

Sanitary Pads

Make sure she has enough Sanitary Pads. She will use between 3 and 5 a day when she’s on her period. Keep a surplus of 25 to be safe, even though she probably will never use that many. In a pinch, you can order them online and they’ll be delivered the next day before she leaves for school.


Limit her alcohol consumption to a maximum of twice a week, or better yet only once a week or just occasionally. If she consumes alcohol too often, her School Performance will suffer. If you continue to give her alcohol, she may develop an addiction and become an alcoholic. This will have various negative impacts (if she’s Alcoholic):

  • The effects of alcoholism will diminish much slower and affect her grades for longer (2.4.5.) if she is an Alcoholic.
  • Her mood cannot be improved unless you first give her alcohol (2.3).
  • Her libido is lowered.
  • Her concern for her personal hygiene is lowered.
  • Her inhibitions are lowered.

Hint: some dates (Karaoke) will have her consume alcohol as well.

Hint: if she asks for alcohol, you can be assured that she’s an Alcoholic.

Hint: it will take a few weeks of being completely sober (not a drop!) to lose the alcohol addiction. The only way she MIGHT survive school like this is by taking perfect care of her; nutrition, laundry, sleep.

School Performance and School Grade

Every week, Imouto will receive a test and from this her School Grade is determined. If her School Performance that week dropped, her School Grade will drop. It will continue dropping week by week until her School Performance is improved. Conversely, if her School Performance is high, her School Grade will increase and/or remain at a high level. Her School Performance is determined day-by-day by:

  • Being well rested: positive
  • Being well fed: positive
  • Poor rest: negative
  • Poor nutrition: negative
  • Being bullied: negative
  • Drinking alcohol too frequently: negative
  • Being an Alcoholic: negative

The positives cannot outweigh even a single negative. If she gets bullied at school or suffers from alcohol misuse, good rest and good nutrition are NOT enough to offset this.

If her School Performance drops too low for a week, her School Grade will start to drop. Getting her School Grade up takes more time than for it to drop, but both are slow processes. Keep an eye on her School Grade over time in the S.I.S.T.E.R. app and adjust her lifestyle as needed.

If her School Grade falls to 0, Mom will call her back home to study there (game over).

Go on Weekend Activities

Most Weekend Activities (Have Fun With Imouto) (1.7) give you a good Trust boost just from doing them. There are no outcomes to these other than narration variations due to her unique interests. You will always get the same Trust gain from doing them. Safe up your money so you can take Imouto on these dates regularly. Going Swimming and on Picnics give you quite some Trust while being relatively cheap. After the initial hurdle of gaining her Trust, Weekend Activities can be a staple method of building Trust.

Salvage <1 Trust Situations Before Bed

Avoid going to sleep with your Trust at 0 or lower. If you do, Imouto will leave you in the morning and it’s game over. If you notice you have 0 Trust, try and gain at least a positive Trust score before going to sleep. (Or reload an earlier save.)

Don’t Get Caught Perving At Night

If she’s not agreeable to intercourse, she’ll be exceptionally more angry if you perv on her during the night and she wakes up on you (especially in an undressed state (even partially)). You are fine if she wakes up like this in the morning, only if she catches you over her are you in big trouble. There is NO method for you to undo this situation before going to bed and potentially losing the game over this.The consequences are:

  • She wakes up on you still dressed, or she rejects your downright but is still dressed:
    • Trust: -50 (diminished by 10 per Trust Level)
    • Attraction: -120 (diminished by 10 per Trust Level)
  • She wakes up undressed (even partially) and rejects you either outright or later:
    • Trust: -50
    • Attraction: -120

Living Together Walkthrough: Gaining Attraction

Here are ways to gain her Attraction:

  • Longing (Doctor) and Wild characters start with the highest initial Attraction and have a higher minimum Attraction floor (0 instead of -20).
  • Play the game along in the rhythm of the Weekend Activities (1.7) unlocking. It might not be the fastest method in theory, but it is effective and quick enough. Build up to the next activity, do the activity, build up to the next activity, repeat. Avoid behaviour that might cause you to suffer big setbacks and instead focus on just getting to the next Weekend Activity. 
  • If you stay within the lewd activities unlocked by the previous weekend activity, you keep her in a good mood and don’t press for lewd interactions ALL the time, she’ll be naturally receptive (sometimes even proactive) in being sexual with you.

In the Beginning

  • Respect her privacy, especially in the beginning. Just like with Trust, if you get caught she thinks you a creep and will be repulsed by you.
  • Do not attempt any lewd interaction, including talking about lewd topics, until you have 80 Trust at minimum or better yet, 200 Trust. A higher Trust Level makes her more accepting to begin lewdness like discussing lewd topics.

Take her On Weekend Activities

Living Together is (obviously) inspired by games like Imouto Life! Monochrome and games like it. However, where those games are almost purely simulators, Living Together also has Visual Novel aspects. Many lewd interactions are unlocked by taking Imouto out on Weekend Activities, which are unlocked in consecutive order. These activities themselves also reward you (apart from unlocking romantic/sexual activities) with sums of Trust and….Attraction! See 1.7 which Weekend Activities gain you the best Attraction results.

  • Work up to Weekend Activities that give you more Attraction
  • If you can’t reach the next Activity, consider repeating a past Activity to gain more Attraction. Repeated Activities are narrated instead of told in full.

Build Up Physical Closeness (Intimacy)

Try to be physically intimate with Imouto once every evening. Keep her in a Good or Superb mood so she’ll be receptive to this. Cuddles, headpats, kisses, deep kisses (french kisses) and handjobs will raise her Attraction towards you as well. It’s not a whole lot, but you can be almost certain she’ll agree if her mood is Good or better. 

Porn, NutFlex+ and Erotic Games Increase Horniness, NOT Attraction

Porn, NutFlex+ and anything else where you are passive observers to sex and sexuality increases Imouto’s horniness but not her Attraction to you. These mechanics will be important to get her physically ready for sex, but do not build up your relationship at all.

Living Together Walkthrough: Healthy Finances

Having enough money is of great concern as it allows you to maintain a stable household and take Imouto out on dates. It depends a bit on your career type what sort of leeway you can expect, but the same principles apply.

Incomes and Weekly Bills

Every Saturday morning, your recurring bills are paid and any salary, allowance and subsidies are deposited on your Checkings Account. Your spent Weekly Budget is also reset at this time.

The following is set at the New Game:

  1. Your Salary
  2. Your Allowance by Mom or the State
  3. Your Rent Subsidy by Mom or the State
  4. Your initial Checkings Account value
  5. Your initial Savings Account value

Your initial Weekly Food & Leisure Budget is also set at the New Game. You can always change your Budget in the Big Brother Bank App, however. You can always overspend your budget, but you can never overspend your Checkings Account (except through Day Trading).


Your Salary comes from a job (if you have one). MC’s with a salary are usually financially very stable and will not have to worry too much about money. Your Salary can also be supplemented with Imouto’s Salary. This happens if she takes up a part time job on Saturday. Half her salary is added to your Salary to help cover the household bills.

There are currently 2 ways to increase a Salary. One is by going broke (ironic, I know). If you go broke once, your Mom will call you and you can change your career path at that point. All alternative career paths will see an increase in total Salary (your own, Imouto’s or yours both combined).

The second method is by working hard at your city office job as a Salaryman (“Work Overtime”). Doing this will trigger a mini-game where you have to compare permits to documentation and sign off on them. If you do this for long enough, you receive a permanent salary increase.

Having a Salary is the most reliable way to calculate your budget as they are a stable income with no fluctuation.


Economically poor MC’s can expect an Allowance from either Mom (NEET) or the State (Student). State allowances tend to be higher than those supported by family.

Rent Subsidy

Poorer MC’s can also expect to receive a Rent Subsidy from Mom. This can be part or the whole of the Rent owed. Salarymen and Daytraders are expected to pay all their own bills.

Savings & Interest

Any savings above 50,000 Yen accrues daily interest. It is a simple mutual fund and you can only set your risk profile by setting the ratio of stocks versus ETFs versus bonds. All three follow a formula that mimics a real market trend, but there is no guarantee short term:

  • Stocks: most volatile, you win some and you lose some with a long term 2% upward trend. It’s smartest to invest in stocks if you can leave your money in the account for a long time.
  • ETFs: mixed volatility, you tend to win with occasional losses and a long term 2% upward trend. It’s smartest to invest in ETFs if your savings are low (<100,000 Yen) and can’t afford too many temporary losses.
  • Bonds: very stable and tend to only accrue at a long term 1% upward trend. It’s smartest to invest in Bonds if you want to safeguard your savings in the late game.
  • Liquid [0.42]: this part is kept liquid (not invested) and will limit your exposure to both the risks and rewards by that percentage. You could keep your entire Savings Account static by divesting in everything and keeping it 100% liquid.

Accumulating or Distributing Dividends

You can set your mutual fund to either “Accumulating” or “Distributing”. Accumulating means that all dividends are immediately invested again. Typically, this means that your Savings Account (slowly) grows over time, even if you don’t pay into it from your income and as long as you do not transfer money away from it.

“Distributing” means that any daily dividends are paid into your Checking Account (without a fee). This means you can live off the interests without having to pay a transfer fee. However, your Savings Account will no longer accrue value from dividends as all your “winnings” are sent to your Checking Account. Some days your investment will run a negative, meaning that Distributing accounts will inevitably decrease in value over time.

The Minimum Weekly Budget

To ensure a stable household at least, make sure you have enough budget for the following every week:

  • 7x Home cooked meals of 1500 Yen
  • 3x Sanitary Pads pack (variable consumption rate) of 400 Yen
  • 7x 30ml Shampoo of 400 Yen

For a minimum total Weekly Food & Leisure Budget of: ~12,100 Yen.

Hint: A bottle of shampoo lasts 9 days (250ml) and you can have up to 3 bottles of shampoo as long as one bottle is already opened. Sanitary Pads are consumed only when Imouto has her period and consumption is variable (between 3 to 5 a day). Keep at least 25 (4 packs) to be safe in surplus, even though she’ll probably never use that many.

Hint: if you cannot afford the Minimum Weekly Budget above, you’ll have to cut corners somewhere. Theoretically, you can wait a little longer for the Shampoo or the Pads to run out a little more and still be OK. This will require more micromanagement from you, keeping an eye on each product and buying them just before they run out.

Buy From the Grocery Store and Pharmacy

You can buy the cheapest from the Grocery Store (food, drinks, shampoo and sanitary pads) and the Pharmacy (sanitary pads at the mall). All other methods of buying these goods come at a marked up price. Taking Home Made Cooking Ingredients as an example:

  • Grocery Store: 1500 Yen
  • Convenience Store: 1725 Yen
  • QuickCart (Online Store): 1800 Yen
  • Itadakimasu! (Dinner Service): 2500 Yen

This can add up to hundreds, if not thousands of Yen in saved money in just a few weeks by buying at the Grocery Store.

Change Your Life Around (Restaurant date)

Both NEETs and Daytraders get 1 chance in the game to change their life around without it affecting the weekends. During their FIRST Restaurant date with Imouto, they can change their career. NEET’s will become Part Timers and Daytraders will become Salarymen IF they agree to change their way. This might be an opportunity to increase your income or get a more stable income (or both).

Hint: this is perfect for a NEET redemption arc playthrough! 

Hint: you effectively get to sample the Daytrader career until the Restaurant date. Don’t like it, or you’re not having any success with it? Change to Salaryman now without losing any quality of life.

Go Broke

If you are a NEET or a Part Timer, going broke might also be the ideal moment to make a change in your life. A NEET who has gone broke can choose to become a Part Timer and a Part Timer can become a Salaryman. This will give you or increase your Salary. However, going broke will always affect your weekends as Imouto will now take up a part time job herself.

Hint: if you’re a NEET and you are technically surviving financially but you have no money left for weekend activities, consider going broke on purpose to force the change. 

Gain Promotion

Salaryman Oniichan can gain a promotion at his work by “Work Overtime”. This triggers a 60 second mini-game where you have to compare permit slips against relevant documentation and decide to either ACCEPT or REJECT the permit. You are rewarded based on how many correct decisions you made.

The rules are:

  • You get 60 seconds to process as many permit slips as you can.
  • A permit will be either correctly filled out or contain a mistake
  • A correct decision is either:
    • The permit was correct and you accepted it
    • The permit was incorrect and you denied it
  • An incorrect decision is either:
    • The permit was correct but you denied it
    • The permit was incorrect but you accepted it

Permits have 4 data points you must verify:

  1. The permit type code
  2. The permit serial number
  3. The applicant name
  4. The jurisdiction

You can cross references the data on the permit (right side) with the provided documentation and rules (left side).

You can find the permit serial number under View Application. Make sure the serial number is prefixed with the first two letters of the permit type: TP for Tree Permit, AP for Alcohol Permit, and so on.

Pay attention that the applicant files in person. Sometimes, family members file on behalf of an applicant. This is not allowed.

For Jurisdiction, your department only handles the normal districts and none of the special wards. Reject all Special War addresses. Rarely, people from other cities altogether will try and get their permits stamped here. Only accept Tokyo-to residents.

Once you’ve secured a promotion, you’ll be given a bonus and a 25% increase to your weekly salary. You can enjoy your higher paycheck by doing just the usual routine, since they can’t fire you anyway.

Living Together Walkthrough: Day Trading

Day Trading via the HODL app is gambling. You could lose some or all of your money if you engage in it. But real gamblers know that losers always quit just before hitting it big! It’s up to you. Here is a basic Trading strategy that relies on the Theory of Large Numbers to succeed.

Note: many Day Traders cannot make ends meet because they cannot invest enough. Even when winning regularly, their investment is too small to generate enough profits to live off. They then have to eat off their capital to pay bills, buy food, and so on, leading to a smaller and smaller capital to invest with. This may lead them to take bigger risks in the hopes of bigger returns.

Note: Live Day Trading requires the Subscriber Version of the game.

Basic Functions and Terminology

  • Limit: this is the Limit by which you can buy positions (invest in stocks or crypto). For Day Traders this is equal to their Checking Account balance. You need to be able to pay back all your positions, in theory.
  • Price: the current price of the position. The total sum of your positions may not exceed the Limit.
  • Chng. (Change): the price changes either up or down compared to yesterday’s price.
  • #  (Number): the number of assets you hold in that position. Examples: 10L means you hold 10 Long positions, 5S means you hold 5 Short positions.
  • Long/Short: you can choose here to add a position of either Long (L) or Short (S). Choose Long if you think the price will rise. Choose Short if you think the price will drop. Once you have opened a position, you can only either change the position type and/or add more assets.
  • (A.I.): the A.I. prediction for that day either (L) or (S).

You open a position by selecting either L (Long) or S (Short) behind the Stock of your choosing. 

Once you have opened a position it will remain open until the next day. You can only change the type from L to S or S to L or add to the total number.

It is smart to follow the A.I.’s prediction as there are no other indicators.

You can see the total value of all your positions and the total number of positions at the bottom above Week Total. The Week Total is your result of that week (Saturday to Saturday).

Options are leveraged at 300% using other people’s (who have no idea) money [v0.43].

You don’t have to do anything else. The HODL app will automatically close the positions and you will be presented with the results the next morning.

About the A.I. Prediction

  • The A.I.’s prediction is correct in ~70% of cases: however,
    • It is ~60% for going Short (when A.I. prediction says (S)).
    • It is ~55% for Cryptocurrency (Sh!tCoin & DoggoCoin) regardless of  L or S.
  • The A.I. cannot know the change even when it predicted the trend correctly.
  • The Stocks all follow relatively similar trends.
  • The Cryptocurrency are much more volatile (larger and more frequent price changes) than the Stocks.

This means that trading crypto is high risk, high reward while trading stocks is more predictable but yields lower returns (but also lower losses). Keep this in mind as you formulate a strategy since there are more stock options than there are crypto options. You can more easily mitigate risk by spreading your investment out over Stocks than over Crypto.

Strategy: The Monte Carlo Method

This method relies on the Theory of Large Numbers which states that an average of a large enough sample set must approach the true result value. In other words, since the A.I. is correct 70% of the time, investing according to the A.I. often enough will make you approach a 70% win-rate. 

By spreading your positions and where you follow the A.I., you will (over a large enough number of tries) approach to winning 70% of the time. Here is how you do this:

  • Decide on a maximum absolute value you invest. The higher the portion of your Limit you invest, the larger your risk. For instance, should you invest ⅓ of your Limit you can theoretically lose every position 3 times in a row and you’d be bankrupt. 
  • Pick those Stocks where you can afford to evenly spread your investment among them. The price level doesn’t matter a lot. Go for 3 or more positions. Follow the A.I.’s prediction.


In this example, the Limit was 346000. The total value of all positions is 17445 (so 5% of my Checking Account) which is distributed relatively evenly over 4 positions (around 4000 on each).

All Stocks have a relatively similar volatility, so you have a good chance that at least 1 of your winning trades pays off 1 of your losing trades, leaving the remaining winning trade as profit (which is what tends to happen). You also have a decent chance of netting pure profit while having only a low chance of having a pure loss.

These are the results of yesterday’s trades. The A.I. was correct about all 4 positions, netting me a 1,877 Yen profit

All Options are leveraged at 300% using other people’s money. These people were told HODL’s fund manager is doing regular investing so they have no idea you’re using it to trade.

This means that if you win, you win times 3. But if you lose, you only lose the price change up to your total investment.

You can also invest more in Cryptocurrency. In the picture to the left, Sh!tCoin had a 13% price change and the A.I. did predict a price drop. 

Chance missed? It would have meant investing 73% of all my money on a 55% chance to win. Bad idea.

Something to consider is that 1,877 Yen is not enough to live off. If you take a Minimum Weekly Budget (4.2) of 12,100 Yen + 18,000 Rent into consideration, you need to make 4,300 Yen a day on average. 

Some rules of thumb to go by:

  • Have around 50k invested every day according to the previous method to expect an income that covers all the bills. Adjust your daily trading amount from there until you earn enough for all your expenses.
  • The more often you invest according to the A.I., the closer you’ll get to the average of 70% winning if you choose only L positions on Stocks.
  • Add 1 Cryptocurrency to a set with 3 regular Stocks to increase your winnings. The Stocks hedge against losing the Crypto as chances are that 1 winning Stock can cancel out a losing Crypto while at least 1 of the remaining Stock options is also a win. 

Living Together Walkthrough: Four Weeks To City Fair

After taking Imouto on a Picnic, there is a hurdle (35 Attraction) before you can take her to the City Fair. After the City Fair, more options become available to gather Attraction. Here is a way to get from the Picnic to the City Fair in around 3 in-game weeks (maybe 4) which involves racing to 200 Trust:

  • At 200 Trust (Level 3 Trust) you get much more leeway with lewd conversations. This works best as a Best Friend and by stockpiling Pokesticks. You’ll also take advantage of repeated Weekend Activities to boost Trust and get a small headstart on Attraction.
  • Spend 2 in-game weeks farming only Trust. Don’t peek at her and keep her well-fed. If you’re a Doctor you’ll get notified if she’ll masturbate.Try and ignore it and just let her diddle in peace. Completely ignore building Attraction until you’ve reached above 200 Trust and slept one night after that. The final week you raise Attraction to 35.
  • This is a focussed strategy, meaning you forget about all the other stuff. Even consider simply going to bed after doing the prescribed steps to avoid doing something stupid.
  1. Find 2 or, preferably 3, High Interest Topics including your Shared Interest Topic. You get the Shared for free, you can get a High Interest Topics as Best Friend and if you go on a Picnic you can get a third. 
  2. Every evening, feed her a Pokestick immediately after dinner. Then try and cheer her up. With both, you have Superb mood early in the evening.
  3. Go through each known High Interest Topic and your Shared Interest Topic
  4. Repeat this every evening.
  5. During the weekend, take her out for a Picnic and Swimming (Picnic has priority). 

This can get you to 200 Trust in about 2 weeks, including the Weekends. At this level, gaining her Attraction becomes MUCH easier. If you did Picnic and Swimming the last weekend before reaching 200, you might be sitting on some Attraction as well or at least close to 0 if you came from a negative.


  1. After 200 Trust, focus only on getting to 35 Attraction. Start every evening the same with Pokesticks and Cheer Up.
  2. Give her a head pat for +1 Attraction (this will offset your Best Friend -1 Daily Attraction)
  3. Go through the Flirting Category of the Lewd Conversation until you find a High Interest Topic.
  4. Once you’ve found a lewd High Interest Topic, discuss it every evening after doing the usual Pokesticks and Cheer Up. Continue getting additional Attraction from discussing the remaining lewd topics as well.
  5. Discuss each casual High Interest Topic too to keep her Trust above 200.
  6. During the Weekend take her to the Pool. You can take her out on a Picnic, too.

Hint: If you’re unlucky, you hit 35 Attraction only on the Sunday Evening or Monday Evening of week 3. In that case, repeat the above for another week and chances are that you can do the City Fair and the Restaurant both the next weekend.

Hint: if you’re really unlucky, she’ll have her period while executing this strategy. You’ll have to add an extra week in this case. Don’t frustrate yourself trying to gather Attraction while she’s on her period. Just survive the week with your Trust and Attraction intact. 

This Concludes the Official Living Together Walkthrough Guide

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