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A Super Special Thanks to My Super Enjoyers:


And a Special Thanks to My Super Fans:







Crevia Aurora










Here is what you get as a supporter in Living Together!

Early Access: get the newest updates up to 3 months in advance of the public release!

Version 0.42 is available on SubscribeStar Now!

Wild Oniichan: this Oniichan combines all the perks of all the other Oniichan types into one Super Oniichan, but also many of the negatives. A true maverick and bad boy!

Daytrading Career: with this career path, you will have as much money as the Full-Timer Oniichan, BUT you will always be home when she is home.

Dev Discord: you’ll get access to my private Discord where I roam and chill regularly. Come chat with other supporters and with me directly. I also listen to feedback here.

Download Living Together! 0.40b alpha FREE

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Current Free Version:

0.40b Change log:
  • Fixed Error: weekend_activity line 275 ‘attraction_level’ is not defined
  • Fixed Error: evening_behavior line 1796 ‘overtime’ is not defined
0.40 Change log:
  • Added New Weekend Activity: Karaoke
  • Added New Evening Intimacy Mechanic: Cuddling
    • Cuddling is fully animated (idle)
    • Headpatting while cuddling (animated)
    • Kissing (wholesome)
    • Making Out (animated)
    • Handjob (animated)
  • Added Bad Ending 2: Broke. Trigger: If you run into debt twice
    • If your Checking Account runs a deficit, money is automatically wired from your Savings Account if possible.
    • Running into debt (0 savings left with a negative Checkings Account) will cause Mom to bail you out the first time, and you get a call from her that day.
    • When Mom bails you out of your debt, she will offer advice for a career change, each with costs and benefits:
      • Students can take up steady part-time work every Saturday to earn a stable income. They lose the Saturday for weekend activities.
      • Part-timers and Day Traders can get full-time jobs and become salarymen from there on with all costs and benefits.
      • Salarymen can opt to focus more on their career (Career Tiger), working overtime every day and going drinking with colleagues (Nomikai) once a week.
      • NEETs can take up a dead-end Part-Time Job.
    • Imouto’s of indebted and bailed out Oniichans will take up a part-time job, removing the Saturday from weekend activities but adding half her income to the budget
  • Added Valerian Tea: if you both drink valerian tea, you become sleepy and it restores your max energy when sleeping. It will also solve any sleep deprivation Imouto might suffer from. You can also drink green tea (must have this in your pantry as well) yourself while giving Imouto valerian tea. This will deepen her sleep state that night significantly while also solving any sleep deprivation (unless she wakes up regardless). You must consume the tea early in the evening (< 20:00).
  • Added Health App with all Player stats
  • Added House Manager App with all relevant household and pantry information.
  • QoL Big Brother Bank App: The option to withdraw money that day now only disappears if you’ve input more than 0 Yen before clicking OK.
  • QoL Big Brother Bank App: The option to change the portfolio that week now only disappears if you change the stocks/ETFs/bonds rates.
  • QoL Big Brother Bank App: The option to change that week’s budget now only disappears if you change the Food & Leisure budget.
  • HODL app (Live Account): You no longer have to buy the options; you only need enough money in your Checking Account to cover any potential losses.
  • HODL app: now shows yesterday’s exact value results for each Stock instead of just a + or -. The UI is tweaked to make this readable.
  • HODL app: reworked internal payout calculations to reflect the new system of not needing to buy stocks upfront, added both minimum and maximum prices to ensure continuous gameplay. The current mathematics seem to be stable and give or take what is due, consistently.
  • Added an internal School Performance tracker
  • SISTER App updated to include School Grade, her Social Circle, Nourishment and Sexual Interests. These will all become win/lose conditions in the future.
  • Added context to pre-dinner Convenience Store visit: now only triggers if you have no more fresh food in your inventory and tells you this as well.
  • Added Health Aisle to Grocery Store with Sanitary Pads and Valerian Tea
  • Tweaked Imouto’s sleep state to a default of 24 at the lowest Trust level, 40 with valerian tea.
  • Updated context to evening drink menu, removed the option if that drink is not in the pantry.
  • Sexual Interests are now discoverable!
  • Added minimum trust and attraction parameters for Headpats and Kisses as well as the requirement of a Normal Mood or better. 
  • Cupnoodles now count towards Days of Food Left
  • Not doing laundry up to level 4 will now properly trigger Imouto’s complaints about having nothing to wear. This will lead to her being bullied at school and degrades School Performance.
  • Sanitary pad consumption per day increased from 2 to an average of 4 (random 3, 4 or 5). Keep at least a small surplus for Imouto at all times.
  • Sanitary pads increased from 6 to 8 per pack.
  • All remaining sanitary pads will be consumed if it is less than 4 that day.
  • Added a financial stress variable for future use.
  • Added Alcohol acceptance flag. She will not accept drinking alcohol at first.
  • She will accept alcohol after you take her to the Karaoke.
  • Drinking alcohol will lower her intimacy and nighttime inhibitions but can also worsen an already bad mood and end the evening.
  • Drinking alcohol too often (~more than twice a week) will deteriorate her school performance.
  • Sleep deprivation will deteriorate her school performance.
  • Part Time Job Normal Day: Energy Consumption 30 > 25
  • Part Time Job Hard Day: Energy Consumption 45 > 40
  • Part Time Job Hard Day: Money Bonus 1250 > 1000
  • Full Time Job Normal Day: Energy Consumption 45 > 35
  • Full Time Job Hard Day: Energy Consumption 60 > 45
  • Full Time Job Hard Day: Overtime penalty +2 hours
  • Full Time Job Hard Day: Money Bonus 5000 > 3500
  • Take Out food now restores energy (20)
  • Career Tiger Salarymen will go on Nomikai every Thursday, coming home very late. Dinner and evening schedule adjusted to this.
  • If you come home exhausted, you will now address Imouto with the correct player-defined relation instead of “little sister”.
  • You can now freely change your budget without restricting it to your projected income. It is now solely your responsibility to prevent debt.
  • Lewd Conversation Sensitivity Buildup (horniness) for succesful talks: 20 > 18-22, 40 > 38 – 42, 80 > 62 – 74
  • Various small tweaks to animation timings and frame rates to make them appear smoother on screen (delay from 0.25 to 0.5 for all and longer for larger animations).
  • Amusement Park can now be visited only once every weekend.
  • After first time Pool visit: trust +5, attraction +10
  • After first time Picnic visit: trust +12, attraction +4
  • After first time Fair visit: trust +8, attraction +16
  • After first time Karaoke visit: trust +2, attraction +18


  • Added City Fair Weekend Interaction. You can go to the City Fair in the late Afternoon (15:00), and will last into the evening.
  • Added Intimacy to Evening Interactions.
  • Added Headpat Interaction (animated) to Evening Intimacy interactions
  • Added Wholesome Kiss Interaction (animated) to Evening Intimacy interactions
  • Reduced Trust & Attraction levels required to increase their respective levels:
    • Level 2 from 100 to 80
    • Level 3 from 250 to 200
    • Level 4 from 500 to 400
  • Lewd Conversation chance is now similar to Casual Conversation chance from Level 2 Trust and identical from Level 3 Trust
  • Added Consaguine flag, sets true/false in the New Game Setup (text regarding consanguine relations slightly changed to reflect this). This flag will become more important in the future but may conflict with current saves then.
  • Added a Left-Hand Speaking Bubble for Imouto when she appears on the left side of the screen.
  • Small adjustment to the Options UI, the sliders now more closely follow the theme of the rest of the UI.
  • Fixed Picnic and Pool not giving benefits after their first time.
  • Tweaked Watching Porn: increases Sensitivity (horniness) and decreased Trust penalty for higher Trust Levels. This will be further revamped after the Lewd Conversation revamp in 0.4x.
  • There is now a maximum negative Attraction of -20 for Best Friend and Longing Oniichan and 0 for Doctor and Wild Oniichan.
  • Attraction starts at the minimum (-20 or 0) at the New Game.

0.38 100 Subscribers Special:

Small fix: unlocked the Sub Special Story for everyone

  • Added 100 Subscribers Special (Find in the new Smartphone Camera App)
  • Added Camera App to Smartphone with Replay (working) and Gallery (work in progress)
  • Moved Rentacar to the BRAVE New World browser
  • added Rollback and Skip to all VN elements (Pool, Picnic and Subscriber Special)
  • Weekend Activities now skip to a shortened Narration instead of the full story if you already did them once. You can always watch them back through the Camera app.
  • Narration Skip now also works on Weekend actions narrations.
  • Close phone button (square) active area increased to 256px.
  • Checkings will no longer automatically be moved to Savings on Saturday for Daytraders.
  •  Added a Grocery Store trip to Weekend Activities (no fee)
  • Added an additional sound effect when clicking the Sound Effect Test button
  • Fixed KeyError: 53 (or some other number) in Line 1009 of evening_behavior.rpy
  • Lowered cost for Weekend Activities with Imouto (Shopping, Pool, Picnic)
  • Fixed days repeating when going to bed between 0:00 and 0:59
  • Improved mathematics behind HODL stock mutations. I am now 80% confident it is correct.


Hotfix: Addressed a possible loop where you could not advance to the next day.

  • Added Rollback and Skip to Visual Novel segments of the game.
  • Added experimental Skip Narration option in the Main Menu Preferences (skips narration of Evening Narrator for now).
  • Added missing intro talk segment with mom for Day Traders.
  • Added mention of woman stuff in the intro talk with Mom.
  • HODL now randomises the initial price point with each New Game.
  • Optimised certain static images that are always the same, resulting in ~100mb less memory use.
  • added visual indicators for what is affected by an interaction, currently for: casual conversation, lewd conversion, drinking
  • added a notification upon discovering a high interest topic
  • further added context sensitive smartwatch changes
  • added additional indicators of the relationship to the SISTERS phone app
  • tweaked the Lewd Conversation Attraction gain. Attraction gain is tied to Trust. Gain her Trust completely first. It’s now possible to engage in successful Lewd conversation sooner (~100+ Trust).
  • tweaked the Lewd Conversation Trust Loss (less harsh)
  • Night Time Lewd Interaction now tied to Trust and Affection levels. Check the SISTER app descriptions if she might be receptive of those.
  • You can now wake her up yourself during the night. She’ll have less of a problem being undressed while conscious than when she finds out you did it while she slept.
  • Added time consumption to Day Trader Oniichan’s day menu.
  • Added stricter time controls to Day Trader Oniichan’s day so its less likely (impossible?) for him to go past 16:00.
  • Feeding her a pokestick can no longer push her Mood above Superb
  • Ruining her Trust during Night Time Interaction when she wakes up should no longer result in an infinite loop but go to the Game Over message instead.
  • Right clicking on the Remember screen (load) will no longer freeze the UI.
  • Going to bed between 23:00 and 0:00 will no longer cause the day to be reset.
  • Going to bed on a Saturday after 0:00 (so Sunday morning) will no longer cause the Sunday to be skipped to Monday 7:00.
  • Menstruation should now only last the proper amount of days and not the whole month.
  • iOS will now show the same icon as the PC/Linux versions
  • Drinking Sake will now take 1 Sake instead of 1 Beer from the inventory
  • Bug in the Casual Talk behaviour that caused erratic responses has now been fixed.
  • Options buying/selling results mathematics greatly improved.
  • HODL options should now have a tendency to rise instead of fall and zero out.
  • Grammatical corrections to the Intro scene.

0.37 Hotfix:

  • Going past midnight and then going to sleep should no longer skip the whole day
  • Possible fix for Not-In-List error during the weekend picnic when discussing her hidden high-interest topic
  • You can no longer over-buy ice popsicles and pokesticks.
  • Saving while having a choice menu visible and loading resulted in a Say() screen error. This now has a possible fix.
  • Watching porn will no longer see trust increase. Instead, you may lose trust while increasing her sensitivity (horniness).
  • Part-Timers and Fulltimers are now properly instructed by Mom that Imouto does the laundry and dishes.
  • Special Dinner should now have top priority of being used up first.
  • Small error fixed when playing video games during the weekend evenings where the erotic game symbol threw and error when hovering over it.
  • NEET days should no longer reset to 16:00 if they went past that time and Imouto came home.
  • Part Timer days now much less likely to go over 12:00 before leaving for work. A reminder about work time added to the smartwatch and time consumption is shown on each action. In the future, a penalty will be added when you run late for work.


  • Bunch of small bug fixes.
  •  Night-time interaction should no longer go straight to ejaculating upon clicking the “eye icon”.
  • Day Trader day-time actions now do an energy check to prevent you from taking actions you don’t have the energy for.
  • Weekend dinner time should no longer reset to 18:00 by default.
  • Salary Man should now be properly greeted by Imouto when he gets home.
  • Short introduction of Imouto right after the phone call from Mom. This was supposed to be in a content update but I had it finished by the time the ejaculation bug became known to me. CBA to lock like 5 frames.
  • WIP: Gift mechanic for evening interaction. Lucky free users to sample it, but it might still be bugged. Have fun!
  • WIP: Contextual smart watch. When you click on Imouto it switches to her stats, when you visit the shop it switches to your bank. That’s it for now, if it works it works and if it doesn’t it goes back to the drawing board.
  • WIP: Good and Superb moods now protect against bad conversation outcomes, lowering her mood instead of her Trust.

0.36 Hotfix:

  • Small bug where you could no longer go to bed after 12AM. Temporary fix until something more robust is made.


  • Added Story: Picnic with Imouto at the Park!
    • Taking her on a picnic has a very high chance of discovering one of her hidden High-Interest Topics!
  • Added Night-Time Lewd Activity:
    • Animated Sleeping Beauty
    • Slight of Hand Undressing
    • Close Ups
    • Animated Masturbating
    • Orgasming Over Your Imouto
  • Added Bathroom Voyeur:
    • Peek on your Imouto when she’s in the shower
    • She can be either washing (animated) or masturbating (animated).
  • Added a text tutorial about the game mechanics. Click the question mark on the smartphone home screen.
  • The progression curve for Trust and Affection was made slightly shallower.
  • Longing Oniichans and Wild Oniichans are now notified when she’s menstruating and ovulating in the morning. This is also noted in the S.I.S.T.E.R. app on your smartphone, next to her Mood (again, only for Longing Oniichans and Wild Oniichans).
  • Doctor Oniichans should now be properly informed when she is going to the toilet or bathroom to masturbate.
  • NEET Oniichans will have an automatic DAMPF subscription and have their chosen favourite game unlocked already. 
  • Your smart devices should now appear during the weekday daytime at home.
  • Commute times (to work, school, shopping, etc) are increased by 15 minutes to 30 minutes.
  • You can now rent a car for a fixed price per week. Renting a car shaves off commute times. The better the car, the more time is saved.
  • The HODL app now both takes and deposits to and from the checking accounts so you can use the money immediately.
  • Bathing now takes 45 minutes (previously bugged at 0).
  • Eating dinner now takes 60 minutes (previously bugged at 0).
  • Interactions you can only do once a night disappear after you’ve done them (drinking, bathing).
  • Fixed a bug where the transition from day to evening on the weekends would reset the time to 16:00.
  • Removed many false references to no-longer-existing stills and animations (a few might still be lurking; they usually result in a WIP image being used and do not break the game (only the immersion)).

Copyright © 2024 Advent Games. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Living Together! is the property of Advent Games, a legal business entity in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Any property theft, including but not limited to unauthorised redistribution, will be met with legal proceedings that may result in substantial financial indemnities. In short, distributing my game yourself will make me richer from your pocket.

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